Do you need extra help with your organization, but the project doesn’t justify hiring more full-time workers due to its duration? Temporary employees can help you get the work done for as long as you need the extra sets of hands, without worrying about all the time and money of a traditional hiring process or what to do when you no longer need the help. It’s important to manage temporary employees well and ensure that you’re treating them as equals so that the experience is mutually beneficial for the both of you.
Here are some of our tips on how to manage temporary employees so that you have a positive work environment, they feel valued, and you’re doing everything you can to boost productivity by helping them know your expectations.
Make Expectations Clear From The Start
One of the keys to being able to manage temporary employees well is to ensure that your expectations are clear from Day One. The same as you would when you bring on a new permanent employee, you want your temporary employees to know their roles, your expectations, what the company culture is like, and more. It’s helpful to go over this information with them personally, as well as have it on a sheet of paper, so that they can review it as needed.
Set Them Up For Success
This goes along with making your expectations clear. When you manage temporary employees, ensure that you’re setting them up for success by knowing their roles and responsibilities, all possible information about the tasks they’ll be completing, and let them ask questions. When you manage temporary employees, it’s important to let them know everything that they need to to do their job and to allow for open communication. If they have issues or questions, listen, the same as you would with a permanent employee.
he more your temporary employees know about your expectations, the company culture, where things are throughout the space, and who to ask questions to and the like, the more successful they’ll be in their work and the more successful your project will be.
Include Them
One of the most important things you can do when you manage temporary employees is to include them. Temporary employees are often excluded, made to feel like they are “other”, and like you don’t actually need them. This isn’t good! You want to include your temporary employees as much as you possibly can. This includes things like learning their names and a bit about them, inviting them to any meetings that correspond with their project and to any company social gatherings, and making sure that they feel heard.
You will manage temporary employees for the duration of the project, so it’s important for everyone that they feel welcome and a part of the team and like you value their work.
Give Them Feedback
The same as you do with your permanent employees, when you manage temporary employees, give them feedback on their performance. People like knowing when they are doing a good job, and most people like learning how they can improve. Lots of temporary employees are trying to improve their skill levels and hope to end up with a permanent position, so providing them with feedback about the things that they do well and how they could improve in other areas is a great way to manage temporary employees.
You do not need to do a full-blown traditional job performance assessment, but feedback can help your temporary employees grow and show them that you notice the work they are doing. Plus, it ensures that the job is being done the way you need it to be.
Hire Them!
If you really like a temporary employee and you feel like they do a good job and mesh well with your company culture, see if you can make the job permanent! You’ll likely need to work with the staffing agency on this, as some staffing agencies have specific requirements about how you should go about hiring a temp on full-time. If you are not able to offer a permanent position because you do not have the payroll or need, make sure you stay in touch, in the event that you need temporary employees again.
If you offer a permanent position to one person, but not to the others, it’s helpful to let them know about areas they could improve in for next time.
Do You Need Temporary Employees?
All Trades Staffing Services connects temporary employees with employers who need them across many industries, from construction to manufacturing to clerical and more. If you’re looking for temporary employees for your business, we can help you and our temporary workers work together. Contact us today to learn more.
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